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How To Start A New Imovie Project

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Click File then New Project or press the ⌘ + N on your keyboard. When the New Project window opens you will be presented with several options. You can select one of the default iMovie themes offered or you can opt to use No Theme at all. Themes make it real easy to put together a nice video with effects, transitions and more.

  1. In this iMovie tutorial, you will learn how to create a new project. (Note: iMovie is located in the Applications folder. Or you can quickly search for it using spotlight search functionality in MacOS.) Launch iMovie. Click + icon to create new iMovie project.
  2. Creating a New Project. The very first step in your iMovie journey, after opening the app, is to create a new project. A project is the workspace you'll use to get all the elements that will go into the final product together and then edit them into a final video. So, with iMovie open, click Create New. Then click Movie.

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  1. Step 3: Create a New Project in iMovie
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Step 3: Create a New Project in iMovie

Step 3: Create a New Project in iMovie

When iMovie opens, the Project Library should be visible in the upper-left pane of the iMovie window. (The words Project Library are centered in the pane's title bar, as shown in Figure 5.) To create a new iMovie project, click the New Project button (circled in Figure 5) in the lower-right corner of the pane.

Figure 5 To create a new project, click the New Project button (circled).

Don't see the Project Library? You're in the Edit Project pane instead. When the Edit Project pane is open, the button in the upper-left corner of the pane says Project Library, as shown in Figure 6, providing access to the Project Library pane. This button toggles between Project Library and Edit Project, allowing you to switch between the two panes. Click the Project Library arrow button to switch to the Project Library pane, and then click the New Project button to create a new iMovie project. The Project Library pane is where you create or select a project. The Edit Project pane is where you work on a project; for example, adding video clips, music, and/or photos; setting video and audio adjustments; or adding transitions and special effects.

Figure 6 When you click the Project Library button, the pane shown below the button switches to the Project Library pane, and the name of the button changes to Edit Project (so you can get back to the Edit Project pane). How to get google now on desktop.

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  • Book $55.99
  • eBook (Watermarked) $55.99
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How To Send An Imovie

This tutorial will introduce some of the basic editing skills in iMovie.

Starting a New Project

To start a new project, first open iMovie. You should be presented with a screen that looks like this: How to play a zip file game.

How to start a new imovie projector

This is the Project List, and it will show you all of the projects that you have made in iMovie. If this is your first time using the program, then you might not see any projects listed in this window.

To create a new project, click on the Create New box, denoted by a large 'plus' sign.

Once you click, a drop down menu will appear. Select the Movie option.

You will then be taken to the Project Interface, where you can begin importing footage and editing your movie.

To name your project, click on the Projects Button in the upper left corner of iMovie. A popup box will appear, allowing you to name your project.

Keep in mind that you can always rename your movie later from the Projects List.

To open your project again, double-click on your project in the Projects List.

Note: You'll notice that there is no Save command under the File menu. This is because iMovie autosaves at regular intervals and does not require you to manually save.

The first section in the top left third of iMovie is called the Event Library.

The Event Library workspace grants you access to all imported footage, functioning essentially like a media browser, and dividing your imported movies into folders called Events.

The next section is the bottom half of the interface and is called the Project workspace or Timeline.

The Project workspace is where you can access and build your movie from the files you selected from the Event Library workspace.

The section in the top right corner is called the Viewer.

This Viewer window is where your footage will play as you edit and watch the clips in your Project workspace. You will also be able to make many different clip adjustments in this section of the interface by clicking the adjustment icons at the top of the Viewer.

Importing Files from Your Computer

To import video files from your computer, go to the top of the iMovie window and click the Import button, which is a downward pointing arrow.

When you do, a window will appear that allows you to select the clips you want to import. Use the menu on the left to navigate to your media either on the computer, external drive, or camera, that you wish to import.

At the top of the Import Window, you will also see a menu titled Import to: where you can select which Event you would like the clips to import to.

Click on that drop-down menu, and select an existing Event, or select New Event to create a new event in which to import your video clips. iMovie will then prompt you to name your New Event.

Editing Workflow Between the Event Library and Project

The Event Library workspace and the Project Timeline look similar. The major difference between the two is that you cannot edit in the Event Library workspace. All editing must occur in the Project Timeline. The most you can do in the Event Library is select a certain clip and drag that clip into the Project Timeline.

To do this, click on a video clip in your Event Library workspace that you would want to use in your Timeline. This should create a yellow box around the clip that you want to use.

You can then click and drag the video inside the yellow box into your Timeline, and it will add the clip into your Project.

How To Start A New Imovie Project Files

Basic Editing in the Timeline

Now that we know how to add clips from our Event Browser to our Timeline, we can start to edit some of our footage.

Splitting a Clip

To split a clip into two different clips, move your Playhead (white line that follows your cursor) to the point you want to split, and click on it.

Now, go to the top of the screen and select the Modify menu. Scroll down to the middle of the drop-down menu and choose Split Clip.

How To Start A New Imovie Projector

When you do, your clip will be split into two parts at the point where your Playhead was.

Trimming Clips

If you need to trim a clip down because you've added too much of it to your Timeline, there are three ways to do this. The first is by simply dragging the ends of the clips in your Project Timeline workspace.

Start by selecting the clip you wish to trim. You will know it is selected when a yellow border appears around it. Next, move your cursor to the left edge of the clip until your cursor turns into two arrows pointing left and right. When it does, left-click, hold, and drag left or right to either extend or shorten where you clip starts, respectively. When you are satisfied, you can let go of the left-click.

Then, move your cursor over to the right edge of your clip until your cursor changes to the arrows again. Now, left-click, hold, and drag left or right to extend or shorten where your clip ends. When you are satisfied, you can let go of the left-click.

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